Environmental Culture Network visits to China

In September 2012, Anna Lora-Wainwright and Peter Wynn Kirby visited Shantou University Medical College to establish a new research collaboration on e-waste with Prof. Li Liping.

In November 2012, Anna Lora-Wainwright visited the Forum for Health, Environment and Development at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. During the visit she met regularly with other members of  ‘the Fenghuang team’, an interdisciplinary social science team working on mining in Fenghuang county, Hunan. The Fenghuang prepared a joint presentation to representatives of Fenghuang county government and Centre for Disease Control on rural mining, environment and health: the case of Fenghuang (农村采矿业、环境与健康:以湖南省凤凰县为例). A revised version of the presentation was also included in the 4th FORHEAD Annual Conference, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 6 and 8 November 2012 (in Chinese). At the 4th FORHEAD Annual Conference, Anna also presented a paper titled “Citizens’ responses
to pollution: a social and political analysis of two Chinese villages” (村民对污染的回应:对中国两个村庄的社会政治模式分析境与健康:以湖南省凤凰县为例) (in Chinese), see alw forhead slides .